Doctors are the ones who help people physically and psycologically. Doctors take care of everything being in order. They treat you if you are sick and can even make you prettier if you wish so.
First of all, I would like to become a doctor because I love the way “Dra.Grau” sounds! Jaja that’s a joke. I would like so because I love creepy things, so as blood ¬¬. I have always liked to “mess” well, obviously If one day I become a doctor I won’t mess with the patient!(or I’ll wish not =S) But when I think about opening a body and getting the kidney out, for example, I’ll love it!
Secondly, I’m very interested in our body. In my opinion, one of the best things to do is to know ourselves. To have that knowledge is amazing. There’s nothing more interesting than our inside function. Seriously! It’s unbelievable the millions of things that are happening every minut inside us!All our reactions to things. All what we are made of. And that if one thing, just a tiny thing stops working, everything can crash, and we die.
Thirdly, I like to help people. It would fill me so much personally to cure someone. It’s something very satisfactory, when you help people or even safe them! That one person can do that. I wish one day I could.
Moreover, I like the way some sicknesses are like a mistery. You know the symptoms but anything else. So you have to search, and work hard to solve that mistery. That mistery where someone’s life is in game. And you have to save them.
To conclude with, I think that doctors are always needed because we will always be sick of something. Because as we are creating stronger medicines the bacteries are getting stronger too.
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