Malcom in the middle is a very funny TV serie about a family. The family consist of a mother, a dad, and 4 brothers. The children are always doing stupid things or playing games which they shouldn’t, so they always get in trouble with their mother. When the mother gets angry she is actually very scary, she starts screaming and it’s really funny the way they represent the mother as the worse criature ever. Their dad is just hilarious, he’s always hanging around the house inventing things or rather playing with one of the guys. Sometimes, or nearly all the time the dad and the mother don’t agree about how to punishing their children, but obviously the mother is the boss of the house. The younger brother is very funny and sometimes he seems stupid but well, I wouldn’t say so, because he always gets what he wants though he is very quiet. The second younger brother is the most clever of all the brothers, yeah I guess he’s gifted, all their friends are nerds though he’s cool. He’s always inventing new engines with his friends and he’s always the best at getting out of trouble... though he doesn’t succeed that often. The third brother is well, a trouble-maker, it’s the kind of guy that hits everybody in school, who’s always with the principal and that basically has no friends because of his behaviour. The older brother is in the army, his mother send him there because he was mean and wasn’t behaving well. In the army they are teaching him manners and they are very strict, though he doesn’t care that much, he just wants to leave the place. There’s also a very fat neighbour, he’s always eating huge amounts of food and he’s in love with the mother of the four guys. The fat neighbour works with the mother in a supermarket, and in one chapter of the serie the basic characters of the serie (the family) burns his house while keeping it!!
I recommend to watch this serie just once at least, because if you have free time it’s really funny and it kind of represent families in a funny way.