Dear family,
I'm writing to you to tell you how my work in Africa is going.
Well, I have to say that I feel more stisfied than ever in my life. People value things a lot and they don't even know what selfishness is.
I love treating them and helping those poor people.They need more information of how to prevent some sickness so I'm doing some assamblies to teach them.
Though all the good things they have adults, more man, can be really narrow-minded. I think they need something else than money and medicines, they need education.
Well, I'm coming back for Christmas.
Take care!
Love, Maria.

The 11th of March, Lady Gaga took a plane from London to America. Like it is usual in her, she was wearing weird clothes. This time she was wearing black and yellow adhesive tape as trousers and some other clothes. When the plane landed she started feeling bad because the trousers were becoming thighter everytime. She nearly got a thrombosis ( which is when you get a thrombus, a blood clot, that is obstructing the flow of blood inside a blood vessel ). That was really dangerous but lucky for her nothing bad happened. She only had to put off all her clothes which actually ofended her because she was very proud of them.
On my point of view Lady Gaga has original clothes but I think she is going way too far with her weird clothes putting her health in danger. She’s already famous so she doesn’t need that much anymore. She actually said she would never dress normal, she loves dressing up nice and with heels. Personally, I think it’s much better going natural and being yourself than to wear two thousend kilos of make up. When you are natural you are showing yourself as you are, and I think that if anyone sleeps with Lady Gaga for once they would scare at the morning. The best thing to do is never hide yourself, just the minimums to be polite (if you are very direct and sincere) or be a bit meaner (if you are to generous), and physically, just at going out at nightime because everybody does and if you don’t you won’t be allowed to get in in any place. Maybe what happens to Lady Gaga is that she doesn’t like herself and that’s why she is wearing all that stuff to hide her body and mask her face.
On my point of view Lady Gaga has original clothes but I think she is going way too far with her weird clothes putting her health in danger. She’s already famous so she doesn’t need that much anymore. She actually said she would never dress normal, she loves dressing up nice and with heels. Personally, I think it’s much better going natural and being yourself than to wear two thousend kilos of make up. When you are natural you are showing yourself as you are, and I think that if anyone sleeps with Lady Gaga for once they would scare at the morning. The best thing to do is never hide yourself, just the minimums to be polite (if you are very direct and sincere) or be a bit meaner (if you are to generous), and physically, just at going out at nightime because everybody does and if you don’t you won’t be allowed to get in in any place. Maybe what happens to Lady Gaga is that she doesn’t like herself and that’s why she is wearing all that stuff to hide her body and mask her face.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
task written,
Third term
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Podria quedar-me despert tan sols per sentir-te respirar
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Mirar el teu somriure mentres tu dorms
While you're far away dreaming
Mentres tu estàs somiant lluny
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
Jo podria passar la meva vida en aquesta dolçor
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Podria estar perdut en aquest moment per sempre
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Cada moment passat amb tu és un moment que jo valoro (com un tresor)
Don't want to close my eyes
No vull tancar els meus ulls
I don't want to fall asleep
No em vull adormir
Cause I'd miss you baby
Perquè et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
Cause even when I dream of you
Perquè fins i tot quan somio amb tu
The sweetest dream will never do
El somni més dolç no faria prou
I'd still miss you baby
Encara et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
Estirat al teu costat sentint el teu cor bategant
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
I em pregunto que deus estar somiant
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Em pregunto si és a mi a qui veus
Then I kiss your eyes
Llavors et faig un petó als ulls
And thank God we're together
I dono gràcies a Déu per estar junts
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Només vull estar per sempre en aquest moment amb tu
Forever and ever
Per sempre i sempre més
Don't want to close my eyes
No vull tancar els meus ulls
I don't want to fall asleep
No em vull adormir
Cause I'd miss you baby
Perquè et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
Cause even when I dream of you
Perquè fins i tot quan somio amb tu
The sweetest dream will never do
El somni més dolç no faria prou
I'd still miss you baby
Encara et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
I don't want to miss one smile
No em vull perdre un somriure
I don't want to miss one kiss
No em vull perdre un petó
I just want to be with you
Només vull estar amb tu
Right here with you, just like this
Aquí mateix amb tu, igual que ara
I just want to hold you close
Només vull mantenir-te aprop
Feel your heart so close to mine
Sentir el teu cor tan aprop del meu
And just stay here in this moment
Tan sols estar en aquest moment
For all the rest of time
Per tota la resta dels temps
Don't want to close my eyes
No vull tancar els meus ulls
I don't want to fall asleep
No em vull adormir
Cause I'd miss you baby
Perquè et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
Cause even when I dream of you
Perquè fins i tot quan somio amb tu
The sweetest dream will never do
El somni més dolç no faria prou
I'd still miss you baby
Encara et trobaria a faltar ‘nena’
And I don't want to miss a thing
I no em vull perdre res
Don't want to close my eyes
No vull tancar els meus ulls
I don't want to fall asleep
No em vull adormir
I don't want to miss a thing
No em vull perdre res
Etiquetes de comentaris:
task written,
Third term,
If you go anywhere out of Spain they won’t even know what this is about. Well Barraques are concerts with lots of little houses which are bars surrounding the concert place. Every city has barraques and fairs. Here, in Spain they are so famous that if there are barraques in other cities lots of people take the car and go there. From my point of view barraques are one of the best parties, concerts we have in the whole year. That’s because everybody likes barraques and there’s no one not going to. Even if you don’t like the groups that are playing you go because of the people. In barraques you can meet anyone, and it’s nice to see all those people you know from other villages. This year in barraques of Figueres are coming two nice groups: Los Delincuentes and Brams. Barraques will be in two weeks time so we better do our homework and study everyday or we won’t be able to go there and have fun!

Bob Dylan ( a great singer) has cancelled his tour in Asia because China doesn’t let him sing in Pekín nor Shanghai and so it is not worth to go for just the South of Corea, Taiwan and Japan. The representer of the concerts of Bob Dylan, Jeffrey Wu, said that this is because of the defense of Dylan of Human Rights.
Apart of Bob Dylan some other artists haven’t been welcomed in China, such as Oasis, Jay-Z and Linkin Park.From my point of view I think this is ridiculous. A government shouldn’t say who is allowed to come or not, they are nobody to say whom you can listen to and whom you can not. And anyway a singer like Bob Dylan is not going to kill anybody or any weird thing as Marylin Manson would. I think that some things are escaping from peoples hands, and they are getting to far. If the government of China doesn’t want to contribute with all the recycle thing and with creating less pollution it is them not wanting it, but people can talk and defend themselves, defend their own Rights and that is something that they are not going to silent with not allowing a singer come to do a concert. Most of the people know what’s good and what’s not good for us and our enviorment and I think they are making a huge mistake. Anyway, referring to the concert, I think it’s something that makes nonsense. Due to, the ones that like Dylan or rather Oasis etc, will still listen to them it won’t make any change if they come or not. And anyway some people just enjoy the singer not the lyrics. And the ones that defend Human Rights it’s not because Bob Dylan does. It’s just sad that the people that like Dylan won’t see him in concert because the government said so. Too sad.
Apart of Bob Dylan some other artists haven’t been welcomed in China, such as Oasis, Jay-Z and Linkin Park.From my point of view I think this is ridiculous. A government shouldn’t say who is allowed to come or not, they are nobody to say whom you can listen to and whom you can not. And anyway a singer like Bob Dylan is not going to kill anybody or any weird thing as Marylin Manson would. I think that some things are escaping from peoples hands, and they are getting to far. If the government of China doesn’t want to contribute with all the recycle thing and with creating less pollution it is them not wanting it, but people can talk and defend themselves, defend their own Rights and that is something that they are not going to silent with not allowing a singer come to do a concert. Most of the people know what’s good and what’s not good for us and our enviorment and I think they are making a huge mistake. Anyway, referring to the concert, I think it’s something that makes nonsense. Due to, the ones that like Dylan or rather Oasis etc, will still listen to them it won’t make any change if they come or not. And anyway some people just enjoy the singer not the lyrics. And the ones that defend Human Rights it’s not because Bob Dylan does. It’s just sad that the people that like Dylan won’t see him in concert because the government said so. Too sad.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
task written,
Third term

Bob Dylan is coming in Barcelona the 24th of June. Dylan is a great singer who always plays the guitar while singing and also plays an harmonica. He sings to defend our Human Rights and to defend the world itself. He has a really good voice but his songs are a bit difficult to understand at the beginning. One of his better songs: like a rolling stone.
Aerosmith is also coming in Barcelona the 27th of June. Aerosmith is a hard rock band from the United States. It’s actually an old band already because it has been active since the 1970s. One of their nicest songs: I don’t wanna miss a thing.

Cadaqués is a town in the Alt Empordà comarca, in Girona province, Catalonia, Spain. It is situated in a bay near the Cap de Creus peninsula on the Costa Brava of the mediterranean sea.
The village is known as a very good fishing place and it has got a very interesting submarine life! (hey Robin nice fishes there!lol)
In the 20th century lots of people from Cadaqués emigrated to Cuba and when those people, immigrants, retourned to Cadaqués they built large and ornate houses. You can see this in Cadaqués because some places have names like: El Havano.
The people that came back from Cuba were named ‘americano’ and so they refered to them.
The language spoken in Cadaqués is cadaquesenc which is just a dialect of Catalan. They have some words different from the ‘standard catalan’. For instance, the word ‘rastell’ which is a street formed with pieces of slate stone placed in vertical position. Actually, the rastells are very typical of Cadaqués, because all the streets are really narrow and it’s very difficult to drive through without grating your car. The slate stones make walking with sandless very uncomfortable but anyway it’s very nice to see. An other word like ‘llagut’ is used in Cadaqués and means: small boat.
Nowadays Cadaqués is very visited by tourists. In 2002 Cadaqués had a population of 2,612 but up to ten times as many people can live in the town during the peak of the Summer tourism season. That’s true because in Easter when I went there it was full of foreign people.
It had and has lots of notable visitors and residents such as: Picasso, Miró, Walt Disney, Dalí, Frederico García Lorca, Pau Casals and Marta Grau.
Only joking!;)
The village is known as a very good fishing place and it has got a very interesting submarine life! (hey Robin nice fishes there!lol)
In the 20th century lots of people from Cadaqués emigrated to Cuba and when those people, immigrants, retourned to Cadaqués they built large and ornate houses. You can see this in Cadaqués because some places have names like: El Havano.
The people that came back from Cuba were named ‘americano’ and so they refered to them.
The language spoken in Cadaqués is cadaquesenc which is just a dialect of Catalan. They have some words different from the ‘standard catalan’. For instance, the word ‘rastell’ which is a street formed with pieces of slate stone placed in vertical position. Actually, the rastells are very typical of Cadaqués, because all the streets are really narrow and it’s very difficult to drive through without grating your car. The slate stones make walking with sandless very uncomfortable but anyway it’s very nice to see. An other word like ‘llagut’ is used in Cadaqués and means: small boat.
Nowadays Cadaqués is very visited by tourists. In 2002 Cadaqués had a population of 2,612 but up to ten times as many people can live in the town during the peak of the Summer tourism season. That’s true because in Easter when I went there it was full of foreign people.
It had and has lots of notable visitors and residents such as: Picasso, Miró, Walt Disney, Dalí, Frederico García Lorca, Pau Casals and Marta Grau.
Only joking!;)
Easter holidays are nicer than christmas from my point of view. That’s because in Easter holidays temperatures starts rising , flowers start flowering, you can leave your jacket at home and well, in conclusion it is Spring and so we are closer to Summer. These Easter holidays haven’t been that nice for me because I got sick. The first weekend of the holidays we went to Cadaqués with my boyfriend to spend the weekend. As everybody in the Empordà knows Cadaqués is gorgeous. We had a lovely night walking through Cadaqués’s streets and watching movies all night long. Until at 10 am when I got sick. That ruined the weekend and so we left on Saturday. Back at home everybody went out (as they usually do on Saturday night) but me. On Sunday I was OK again which I liked and I didn’t because I thought ‘why should a sickness mess up my weekend for just one day?’
Well, the rest of the Easter holidays was okey, I met lots of friends I hadn’t seen in ages and that was really cool. On Easter there were also very important football matches such as Arsenal-Barcelona (2-2) ‘champions league’ and Barcelona-Bilbao (4-1) ‘league’. Most of the holidays I had to go driving because I have the driving exam next week and so I needed loads of practice. Besides the good things I had to revise biology of 5th year for an admition test in university, and I also had to do lots of homework for school. Francesc helped me with some chemistry of last year which was nice because it isn’t an easy subject at all.
Thursday I went out with my best friend which I don’t see that much anymore because everybody studies in different places. Saturday I went out again but went back home early because obviously Sunday is an international homework day. This Monday has been a cool Monday, which is weird to associate the word cool with a Monday!
Apart of this, after this holidays everybody knows that the six worst weeks of batxillerat are coming and we must work very hard to be able to chose what we want to become in this further life!
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