Separate and ever deadly _The last shadow puppets
When we walked the streets together, all the faces seemed to smile back and now the pavements have nothing to offer and all the faces seem to need a slap.
Quan nosaltres passejavem junts pels carrers totes les cares semblaven somriure'ns i ara els carrers no tenen res a oferir i totes les cares semblen necessitar una bofetada.
There's an unfamiliar grip on an unfamiliar handkerchief attending to the tears on cheeks I wouldn't notice with you, no matter how vicious the grief her expression was damp and crooked Grabs onto my throat and won't let go
Won't let go
Won't let go
Won't let go
El mocador desconegut que s'agafa per secar les llàgrimes a les seves galtes, que no es notarien en el teu cas, malgrat la violència de la seva tristor, la seva expressió era humida i em feia un nus al coll que no marxa.
no es deixa anar (x3)
Save me from the secateurs I'll pretend I didn't hear. Can't you see I'm the ghost in the wrong coat biting butter and crumbs.
Salva'm de la sequetat, faré veure que no he sentit. No ho veus? sóc el fantasma dins de la jaqueta equivocada mastegant mantega i migues.
There's a handsome maverick. You don't talk about to keep me calm and I can't help it if I create diversion. That pulls you back onto his arms.
Hi ha un atractiu inconformista, tu no parles d'això per mantenir-me calmada i no ho puc evitar si creo diversió. Això t'empeny de nou als seus braços.
Please don't tell me You don't have to darling, I can sense that he painted you a gushing sunset and slayed angry panthers in your defence. And he stands separate and ever deadly clings onto my throat and won't let go
Won't let go
Won't let go
Won't let go
agafa't a la meva gola i no es deixarà anar
no es deixa anar (x3)
Salva'm de la sequetat, faré veure que no he sentit. No ho veus? sóc el fantasma dins de la jaqueta equivocada mastegant mantega i migues.
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